Editing up a storm
I took my ninth grade honors class to the computer lab to do editing on their social issue persuasive essay. We set up each computer with their paper in Word but they had to erase their name. then we used the editing features ( insert comment) to each paper they read. To jazz things up a little bit, I had them editing while implementing a little bit of musical chairs. I would have them start at one computer and then after the music stopped they had to move to another computer to begin editing another piece. It was fun and the comments they made to one another's paper were very good and often quite insightful. We did have to set up some expectations of comments and what was acceptable and what was not. I would definitely do this again. In fact we are doing it again today. The only other problem is some had issues with getting their papers to upload(some used Works even though they were told to use word, or others couldn't email their paper here) This would all be solved if they had access to their folders from home, and as a district, students could purchase for a small price Microsoft Office for students. This way all of our students would be guaranteed to have the same technology. I know I am dreaming big here!